Community Involvement

  • Nashville Metropolitan Police Officers with Mother's Cupboard volunteers

    NMPD Serves Dinner at Mother's Cupboard Community Kitchen

    Officers from the Nashville Metropolitan Police Department proudly served dinner for at Mother’s Cupboard Community Kitchen. On the menu were turmeric chicken, broccoli, cheese and rice casserole, peas and carrots, and a dessert or roll.

    The police department is committed to serving the community and is always looking for ways to help those in need. This event was just one example of the department's many efforts to make a difference.

    If you would like to volunteer at Mother’s Cupboard, please visit their website, or call 812-988-8038.

  • Nashville Metropolitan Police Officers, Brown County Sheriff's Department, and Owen Valley Christian Fellowship Group

    NMPD and Brown County Sheriff's Department Partners with Owen Valley Christian Fellowship Group

    The Owen Valley Christian Fellowship group from Spencer, Indiana, participated in a photo scavenger hunt for a group project where part of the hunt involved associating with law enforcement. The end of the scavenger hunt included inviting law enforcement to dinner at Brozinni's Pizza.

  • Nashville Metropolitan Police Department Playing Basketball

    NMPD Shot Hoops with Local Students

    Nashville PD officers spent time with students at the Brown County YMCA after school on Wednesday. We played basketball and answered questions. It was a great way to build relationships and interact with the community.

  • Fight Crime: Invest in Kids logo

    Chief Burris Joins Fight Crime: Invest in Kids

    Chief Heather Burris became one of 79 Law Enforcement leaders in Indiana to join the non-profit organization Fight Crime: Invest in Kids. The anti-crime organization is made up of over 5,000 Police Chiefs, Sheriff's, Prosecutors, and violence survivors nationwide. Since 1996 Fight Crime: Invest in Kids members have spoken out in support of strategies to reduce crime by preparing kids for successful lives.

    The Nashville Metropolitan Police Department is excited to work along side this non-profit organization to bring different ideas and community events for our local children.

    You can learn more about Council for a Strong America on their website.

  • Two Nashville Metropolitan Police Officers shop with a child

    Shop with a Cop Event

    On December 17, 2022, 53 kids from Brown County Schools paired up with law enforcement for Shop With a Cop. The program aims to create a positive connection between kids and law enforcement. The kids were given Walmart vouchers to pick out clothes and toys. Dispatchers, jail staff, deputies, and reserve deputies volunteered to be shopping buddies.

    Learn more about the event on the Brown County Democrat website, or at the foundation’s Facebook page.

  • Student with Nashville Metropolitan Police Department, Lifeline Medics, and Conservation Officers

    NMPD Holds a Coloring Contest

    Nashville Police Department, Lifeline Medics, and Conservation helped deliver prizes to each of the six coloring contest winners. This was a great surprise for the students who participated in the contest. A huge thank you to all who donated prizes: BP Gas Station, the Brown County Visitor’s Center, the Brown County YMCA, the Chocolate Moose, and Speedway.